Hehehe :)

Jag har inget att skriva om just nu så jag kan visa en rolig grej ur min favoritbok:
Den handlar om en 14 årig kille som är typ psykopat eller nåt (vet inte översättningen från det engelska ordet)
Men aja, här kommer en rolig bit ur den boken.
Obs. den är på engelska.....

Rob stared for a moment, then turned back quickly. 
-" So what's it gonna be, clown? Why ya smiling so big?"
- You're a great guy, Rob," i said. " He looked at me oddly.
- "What?" he asked.
- "You're a great guy," i said. "That's a very good costume, and i especially like the bullet-hole in the forehead."
I hoped he would leave now. Saying nice things about people i got really mad at was one of my rules, to help keep
things from escalating, but i didn't know how long i would be able to keep it up.
-" Are you making fun of me?" He asked, glaring.
I didn't have a rule for what happened if the person i complimented didn't leave.
- "No" I said. I tried to improvise, but i was already off-balance. I didn't know what to say.
- "I think you're smiling beacuse you're such a retard," he said, stepping closer. "Dur, im a happy clown".
He was really making me mad. " You're ......" I needed a compliment.
- " I heard you did well on that math test yesterday, Good job."
It was al i could think off. I should have walked away, but i wanted to talk to Brooke.
- "Listen, you weirdo" said Rob.
- "This is the party for normal people. The freak party is down the hall, in the restroom with the Goths.
- "Why don't you get out of here?"
He was acting tough, but it was still acting- typical fifteen-year-old macho posturing.
I was so mad i could have killed him right there, but i forced myself to calm down.
I was better than this- and I was better than him. He wanted to act scary? I'd give him scary.
- " Im smiling beacuse i thinking about what you're insides look like."
-"What?" asked Rob, and then smirked.
" Oh, big man, trying to threathen me? You think you svcare me, you little baby?"
- " I've been clinically diagnosed with sociopathy, " I said.
- " Do you know what that means?"
- " It means you're a freak," he said.
- " It means that you're about as important to me as a cardbordbox," I said.
-"You're just a thing- a piece of gabage that no one's thrown away yet. Is that what you want me to say?"
-" Shut up" said Rob. He was still acting tough, but i could see that his bluster was starting to fail. He didn't know what to say.
/Miss Nobody
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